

System operation process


  • 登入教學務系統 Log in to the Academic Information system   

  • 選擇學生請假 Click on the "Student Leave" option

  • 學生請假申請 Click "Student Leave Application"  

  • 填妥請假類別、日期(節次)、事由並上傳相關證明文件(部分假別及請假天數,無需檢附證明文件。)Fill in relevant information 

  • 存檔後送出  Archive and send out

  • 主動聯繫授課教師及系(所)辦公室助教 Take the initiative to contact the teachers and department office administrators  

  • 系統依准假權責送請核准  The system will review according to the authority and responsibility

    • 請假日數1至5日:系(所)核准。
    • 請假日數6至10日:系(所)初核、生活輔導組組長核准。
    • 請假日數11日以上:系(所)初核、生活輔導組組長複核、學務長核准。
  • 學生於【學生請假 - 學生請假查詢】得追蹤查詢假單分層審核狀態  You can track the leave review progress through the "SEC2041- Student Leave Inquiry" function of the system
  • 假單經同意後,敬請務必主動向授課教師報備(亦得依授課教師需求,於【學生請假 列印假單證明聯】,截圖、下載或列印審核結果)After your leave request is approved, please be sure to report it to the teacher