Guidelines for Outstanding Youth Selection

National Taiwan Ocean University

Guidelines for Outstanding Youth Selection

Promulgated on November 12, 2010, through Hai-Xue-Ke-Zi No.0990014060.

1.       Purpose: To commend students at National Taiwan Ocean University who excel both in academics and service, and to set an example for youth, these guidelines are established.

2.       Organizing Unit: Student Affairs Office, Division of Extracurricular Activities.

3.       Selection Criteria: Students of National Taiwan Ocean University, under the age of 35 and above the second year (including graduate and extension students), with an average academic score above 70 and conduct score above 85 in the previous academic year, and who meet one of the following exemplary achievements:

a.    Serving as responsible personnel in student autonomous organizations or clubs, promoting club activities with significant achievements.

b.    Actively involved in charity work and social services with significant achievements.

c.    Organizing patriotic or school activities with significant achievements.

d.    Achieving outstanding results in external competitions, bringing honor to the university.

e.    Conducting academic research with innovative findings.

f.     Demonstrating respect and care for the elderly and filial piety towards parents with concrete evidence.

g.    Having other excellent achievements, serving as a role model for youth.

4.       Application Period: Announced annually by the organizing unit.

5.       Quota: Three outstanding youths are commended annually.

6.       Review Process:

a.    Students who meet the selection criteria should submit an "Application Form" along with relevant supporting documents to their departments for preliminary review.

b.    After the departments’ preliminary review and endorsement on the "Recommendation Form," the submissions are forwarded to the Division of Extracurricular Activities for consolidation.

c.    The consolidated nominations are then reviewed by the selection committee.

7.       Selection Committee:

a.    The committee is chaired by the Dean of Student Affairs, with three to five faculty representatives as members, appointed by the university president upon the organizing unit's recommendation.

b.    The Dean of Student Affairs presides over the committee meetings, where members review the applicants' daily performance and concrete achievements.

c.    The list of approved nominees is finalized by the university president before announced.

8.       Recognition Method:

a.    Representatives attend the National Youth Day celebration and other related events to receive commendations.

b.    Representatives participate in various ceremonial activities on behalf of the university.

9.       Remarks:

a.    Students previously selected as Outstanding Youth Representatives of the university should not be recommended again.

b.    These guidelines are implemented upon approval by the university president.

Note:  These guidelines are formulated in Chinese. In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.