COVID-19疫苗接種學生請假特別措施 Application For COVID-19 Vaccination Leave


Application For COVID-19 Vaccination Leave




In order to strengthen our school’s COVID-19 epidemic prevention energy, starting from the 110 academic year, students who go to get vaccinated (including adverse reactions after vaccination) are allowed to apply the "Assisted Epidemic Prevention Public Leave" regulations to apply for leave matters. Please attach "COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card" copy, apply for "Vaccination Leave", the number of quasi-holidays is based on the principle of 3 consecutive days from the day of vaccination (including holidays). The leave type of the teaching affairs system is set to "Public Leave (Assisting in Epidemic Prevention)". Exceeding the leave limit, if you still have symptoms of discomfort or need to recuperate, you may change to general sick leave.


2. 照顧疫苗接種家庭成員 Take Care of Family Members Who Have Been Vaccinated

學生如有陪同接種或照顧接種後不良反應之2親等內直系血親、配偶之事實,得準用「家庭照顧假」規定,辦理請假事宜,請假時請檢附「COVID-19 疫苗接種紀錄卡」影本及親屬關係證明,至多准予3日。教學務系統假別設定為「家庭照顧假(協助防疫)」

If students are accompanied by vaccination or taking care of the fact that they are directly related blood relatives and spouses who had adverse reactions after vaccination, the “Family Care Leave” rule shall be allowed to apply for leave matters. Please attach a copy of the “COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card” when applying for leave. And proof of family relationship, at most 3 days are allowed. The leave type of the teaching affairs system is set to "Family Care Leave (Assisting in Epidemic Prevention)".


3. 前開請假事由,係為配合政府整體防疫政策,得免列入缺課出缺席紀錄。

The reason for requesting leave in advance is to comply with the government's overall epidemic prevention policy, as to avoid being included in the record of absenteeism.




Explanation of the flow chart of students requesting leave: After printing the request form, please submit it to the department (office) for processing.




For other students’ leave-related information, please refer to the following website:



學生接種BNT COVID-19疫苗接種前後注意事項,如有不良反應請主動通報學務處衛保組。