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Garbage Truck Coming Time

Do not throw garbage in the corridors nor the living-room. Students must classify the garbage and dispose them during the garbage truck coming time.

The garbage truck coming time of each dormitory:


garbage truck coming time

(Mon. to Sat.)

Garbage collection truck opening hours

(Every day)

Female 1st Dormitory



Male 1st Dormitory


Male 2nd Dormitory


Male 3rd Dormitory & Female 2nd Dormitory



The recyclables will be collected along with the ordinary garbage.

Garbage collection trucks are not allowed to be used during non-open hours; the he recyclables cannot be thrown in to the garbage collection truck.

   In light of paragraph 13 of Article 15 of Dormitory Management rule, if students who put the garbage to the garbage collection truck during the non-open hours will be deducted 4 points.

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