Amended and approved by the Dormitory Guidance Committee Meeting on April 26, 2022.
第一條 依據本校學生宿舍管理辦法第十一條規定訂定本細則。
Article 1 These Regulations are established in accordance with Article 11 of the National Taiwan Ocean University Regulations for Student Dormitory Management.
第二條 住宿保證金
Article 2 Dormitory Deposit
I. Purpose of Collection:
(I) To implement the concept of responsibility, maintain fairness, ensure that applicants approved for accommodation are willing to reside, and to safeguard the dormitory bed spaces.
(II) To cultivate students' habits of valuing environmental cleanliness and caring for public property, thereby effectively maintaining the dormitory's assets.
II. Amount of Deposit: Each student residing in the dormitory must pay a deposit of NT$1,000 per academic year.
III. Validity Period: One academic year. The deposit is collected once per academic year and should be paid within the specified period upon approval of the accommodation application. Those who have paid in the first semester are exempt from paying again in the second semester. Students who did not qualify for accommodation in the first semester but move in during the second semester or during the semester must pay the deposit simultaneously with the accommodation fee. The validity period ends at the end of that academic year.
第三條 學年結束或學生搬離宿舍時,生自會幹部應確實清點設備財產,及檢查寢室清潔。
Article 3 At the end of the academic year or when students move out of the dormitory, student council members should accurately inventory the equipment and property and check the cleanliness of the rooms.
第四條 宿舍清潔:
Article 4 Dormitory Cleanliness:
I. If the dormitory room is not cleaned upon moving out, the student council members should take photos as evidence, and the dormitory deposit will not be refunded; any items left behind will be considered as waste and disposed of.
II. Responsibility for cleaning should be traced to individuals; if it cannot be traced to individuals, the cost will be shared equally by the students of that room.
第五條 宿舍寢室設備財產:
Article 5 Dormitory Room Facilities and Property:
I. All dormitory facilities, unless due to engineering factors, should be inspected and repaired by the Division of Dormitory Guidance before students move in.
II. Upon moving into the dormitory, residents must inspect all room facilities and submit a completed Room Property Card to the student council members. In case of damage or loss of equipment or items during the stay, residents must report to the student council members on the same day to clarify responsibility.
III. During the stay, if any dormitory public property or equipment is damaged due to the following human factors, compensation should be made according to the price listed on the Room Property Card. If the compensation fee is not paid, the dormitory deposit will not be refunded, and the Division of Dormitory Guidance may proceed with disciplinary action.
(I) Misuse resulting in damage or loss.
(II) Intentional destruction.
(III) Negligence leading to damage.
(IV) Equipment damage will be jointly assessed by the student council members and the Division of Dormitory Guidance (or along with the manufacturer). If compensation is required, the compensation price should be noted on the Room Property Card.
(V) In cases where human factors are determined to have caused the damage, the responsibility for compensation should be pursued individually. If it cannot be pursued individually, the cost should be shared equally by the students of that room.
(VI) The process for handling compensation for human-caused damage to room property:
The student council members should report repairs online, and the damaged conditions reported on the Room Property Card should be reviewed and registered by the Division of Dormitory Guidance. The dormitory deposit will be deducted according to accounting procedures, with any shortfall notified to the student by the Division of Dormitory Guidance for supplementation; damaged equipment should be repaired based on the Room Property Card and online repair data.
(VII) At the end of the academic year, the student council members should inventory the room property before the dormitory closure and process check-outs.
第六條 住宿保證金退款:
Article 6 Refund of Dormitory Deposit:
I. The dormitory deposit will not be refunded in any of the following circumstances:
(I) Voluntary relinquishment of accommodation eligibility before the dormitory opening.
(II) Failure to complete the check-in process after the dormitory opening or voluntary check-out before the end of the accommodation period.
(III) Failure to complete the check-out process as per regulations upon the end of the accommodation period.
(IV) Failure to clean the dormitory room upon moving out.
(V) Violation of dormitory regulations resulting in compulsory check-out.
II. The dormitory deposit may be refunded upon check-out in the following circumstances:
(I) Suspension or withdrawal from University: Attach a suspension or withdrawal application.
(II) Graduation: Attach a graduation certificate.
(III) Internship: Attach relevant internship documentation.
(IV) Study abroad exchange: Attach relevant exchange documentation.
(V) Completion of the accommodation period and check-out as per regulations.
III. The balance of the dormitory deposit, after deducting compensation, will be refunded without interest within one month after check-out (transfer fee deducted from the deposit). Any shortfall will be additionally collected.
IV. Refund Process:
(I) Residents must move out of the dormitory within the prescribed or announced timeframe.
(II) Check-out must be processed with the Room Property Card, verified by both the resident and student council members.
(III) The Room Property Card and the dormitory deposit refund list from each dormitory should be submitted to the Division of Dormitory Guidance for review and registration, and refunds processed uniformly according to accounting procedures.
V. Residents should ensure accuracy when providing account details for the refund. If incorrect, they should promptly contact the Division of Dormitory Guidance upon notification by the administrative unit. If unprocessed for more than three months after the beginning of the semester, the deposit will be forfeited and added to the University Endowment Fund.
第七條 本辦法經學生宿舍輔導委員會通過後發布施行。
Article 7 These regulations shall be implemented after approval by the Dormitory Guidance Committee.
※These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.