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National Taiwan Ocean University Student Club Implementation Regulations

National Taiwan Ocean University Student Club Implementation Regulations

Amendment adopted by the Student Affairs Meeting on December 23, 2011

Announced on January 19, 2012 according to Hai-Hsueh-Ke-Tzu-Ti No.1010000833 order

Chapter One          General Provisions

Article 1                 These regulations are formulated in order to provide guidance for the smooth operation of the University’s student clubs and facilitate the development of club activities.

Article 2                 Student clubs shall submit the planning of its annual activities and budgets for club activities of the next semester to the Division of Extracurricular Activities for review before the stipulated deadline at the end of each semester. If a student club applies for subsidies, it shall submit the application report before the activity is held and the approved subsidies will be provided after the application is approved. 

Article 3                 Student clubs may not organize activities which are against their founding missions.

Article 4                 Student clubs shall apply to the Division of Extracurricular Activities for permit and registration at least five working days before they hold activities and late application will not be accepted. the Division may dispatch its staff to attend the activities to provide guidance.

Article 5                 If an outsider is invited to participate in an activity organized by a student club, the student club shall report to the Division of Extracurricular Activities for approval in advance.

Article 6                 No club activity may be held during the class time without approval from the Division of Extracurricular Activities.

Article 7                 If a student club changes the time and location of an activity which has already been approved by the Division of Extracurricular Activities, the club shall report to the Division in advance. If the contents of an approved activity have been changed, the student club shall apply to the Division of Extracurricular Activities for approval.

Article 8                 The Division of Extracurricular Activities shall convene the responsible persons for all student clubs to explain to them the club activity rules and the related important rules within one month after each academic year begins.  

Article 9                 In the event that any student club fails to participate in the club evaluation without justified reason, the Division of Extracurricular Activities may revoke the club’s rights to use the club office.

Chapter Two          Election of club officers and transition

Article 10               The election of student club officers and the transition between the old and new officers shall be completed in May each year with the supervision of the Division of Extracurricular Activities. However, with respect to the transition between the outgoing officers and the new officers, the outgoing officers shall provide guidance to the new officers on the club’s operation for one month from the day of official transition.    

Article 11               The election of student club officers shall be governed by the election regulations of the club which are filed with the University as reference. If a student club does not have election regulations, it shall formulate one and apply for an approval as a special case.

Article 12               The election results of student club officers shall be submitted to the Division of Extracurricular Activities for registration and future inspection within three days after the election is held.

Article 13               If the election of student club officers and the transition between the old and new officer does not conform to the preceding three articles, the election shall be void.

Chapter Three       Use of venue of the University

Article 14               When a student club intends to use a venue to hold its activity, the person responsible for the student club shall apply to the Division of Extracurricular Activities for use of the said venue by presenting the consent document.

Article 15               If there is conflict in schedules between student clubs which apply for the use of the same venue, the Division of Extracurricular Activities shall mediate between the clubs.  

Article 16               Student clubs shall comply with the following requirements when using a venue:

1. Club members are well-groomed and have good manners;

2. Emphasize environmental protection;

3. Take good care of public facilities;

4. Conserve energy;

5. Be aware of safety;

6. Respect copyrights and intellectual property rights; and

7. Return articles or equipment after use and maintain their tidiness.    

Article 17               Students clubs shall restore the venue to its original conditions and clean up the venue after use. The responsible person of the student club shall be held liable for compensation if the venue and its equipment is intentionally or negligently damaged.  

Chapter Four        Management of equipment

Article 18               Student clubs shall apply to the Engineering Division for the registration of the loaned equipment by presenting the approved activity application. The regulations governing the loans of equipment from the University will be formulated.   

Chapter Five         Posting of posters

Article 19               Posters of student clubs shall be posted in the designated bulletin boards with the name of the club, the posting date in the form of YY/MM/DD clearly shown and affixed with the club’s official stamp in order for the club to take responsibilities.   

Article 20               Posters of student clubs may be posted after the posters are registered with the Division of Extracurricular Activities and the posting period shall be limited to one month only. Other clubs or persons may not tear off or cover posters of which the posting periods have not expired.

Article 21               If the contents of a poster are against the law, the poster shall be removed from the bulletin board.  

Chapter Six           Speech

Article 22               If a student club is to organize a speech, an application form shall be first filled out and submitted to the University for approval before the speech can be held. 

Article 23               The speaker shall have pure thoughts and be patriotic, and have one of the following qualifications:

1. The speaker is a lecturer or above from a university (college) certified by the Ministry of Education;

2. The speaker has an education background above university level, has multiple years of experiences in the relevant field with performance or good reputation; or

3. The speaker has special expertise, outstanding achievement, sound reputation. 

Article 24               A student club which organizes a speech may apply for subsidies according to the rules.

Article 25               If a speaker has outstanding reputation, achieves outstanding academic perform or has great contributions to the country, the Division of Extracurricular Activities will pay favorable and generous speech fees.   

Article 26               If a full-time faculty is invited as the speaker, the speech fees shall be based on the University’s standard hourly rate. 

Chapter Seven      Supervising teacher

Article 27               Student clubs may have supervising teachers as per their actual needs. The supervising teachers shall be hired for a term of one year by the President at the beginning of each academic year. The standard for instruction fees shall be implemented after the administrative procedure is signed and approved.

Article 28               The qualifications set out in Article 23 of these regulations shall also apply to the supervising teachers of student clubs. 

Article 29               In addition to supervising teachers, student clubs may hire other professionals as lecturers as per the clubs’ professional needs. The payment standards of the hourly rate shall be implemented after the administrative procedure is completed and approved.

Chapter Eight       Accounting system 

Article 30              The original vouchers and receipts shall be obtained for revenues and expenditures of student clubs. These vouchers and receipts shall be signed by the person responsible for the student club, the accounting and general affairs officer and the supervisor appointed by the University before the said vouchers and receipts are deemed valid. 

Article 31              When student clubs intend to spend club funds, they shall first fill out the activity application form and clearly state the items and amounts to be spent. The application shall be submitted to the supervising unit for approval. 

Article 32               The student clubs shall comply with the following rules when spending club funds:

1. The spending is consistent with the mission of the club;

2. To maintain the balance between revenues and expenditures;

3. To safekeep the receipts and account books;

4. Do not waste money;

5. Do not overdraft club funds;

6. Should publicize the revenues and expenditures for credit investigation; and

7. Cultivate the virtue of integrity.

Article 33               An official uniform invoice shall be issued for subsidies to club activities with the title of purchaser being the University and the quantity and unit prices shall be clearly stated so the uniform invoice can be used for expenditure approval.   

Article 34               If a store is exempted from issuing uniform invoice by the government, its store stamp and stamp of the responsible person shall be affixed to the receipt and the exemption of uniform invoice number shall be filled out in the receipt before the receipt can be used for expenditure approval.

Article 35               Student clubs shall complete the expenditure approval procedure within 14 days after the activities of the clubs are held. 

Article 36               Student clubs shall submit two copies of the revenues and expenditures statements for the entire semester to the Division of Extracurricular Activities two weeks before the end of each semester. After the statement is approved, one copy of the statement will be publicized and the other copy will be retained by the Division of Extracurricular Activities for future inspection.  

Chapter Nine         Subsidies for expenses  

Article 37               The funds of student clubs shall in principle be raised by the club itself. They may apply to the University for subsidies if the circumstances so warrant. The regulations of subsidies shall be formulated separately.

Article 38               If a student club applies for subsidies for expenses, it shall accurately forecast the budget. After the subsidies are granted, the club may not arbitrarily over-spend or alter the subsidized item and subsequently request for additional subsidies.

Article 39               If a student club fails to make application for the approval of club activities in advance and instead makes the application after the activities have been held or the subsidy approval procedure for the previous activities has not completed according to the requirements, no subsidies will be granted. 

Chapter Ten           Transition   

Article 40               If a student club is reorganized or its personnel is replaced, the transition procedure shall be undertaken. 

Article 41               The following items of student club shall be handed over in transition between officers:  

1. Club stamp;

2. Club logo;

3. Club charter;

4. List of members;

5. Club utensils;

6. Club files;

7. Club books;

8. Account books of revenues and expenditures and the balance;

9. Keys to the club office; and

10. Other properties.  

Article 42               Three counterparts of the handover list shall be produced. The transferor and the supervisor shall check and count the handover items and affix their respective signatures and stamps to the list with each of them holding one counterpart. One counterpart shall be submitted to the Division of Extracurricular Activities and the handover shall become effective after the stamp of approval is affixed.

Chapter Eleven     Club evaluation

Article 43               The club evaluation is held once in each academic year. Rewards will be given as incentive to clubs which perform well. Clubs with poor performance will be subject to the club evaluation regulations.

Article 44               The evaluation methods and contents shall be based in the Student Club Evaluation Regulations.

Chapter Twelve     Supplementary provisions

Article 45               Student clubs may formulate their own activities implementation regulations according to these regulations, and the clubs’ own regulations shall take effect after being submitted and approved by the Division of Extracurricular Activities.

Article 46               These regulations shall be announced and implemented after being approved by the Student Affairs Meeting.

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