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Regulations on Student Group Evaluation

National Taiwan Ocean University

Regulations on Student Group Evaluation

Approved by the Student Affairs Meeting on June 5, 2009.

Promulgated on July 10, 2009, through Hai-Xue-Ke-Zi No.0980007925.

Amended by the Student Affairs Office Meeting on December 17, 2020.

Promulgated on June 3, 2021, through Hai-Xue-Ke-Zi No.1100010731.

Article 1     To foster the robust development of student groups, encourage the improvement of activity quality, enhance group honors, and promote exchanges and observations among student groups, these Regulations are established.

Article 2     The subjects of this evaluation include student self-governing organizations and clubs.

Article 3     Student self-governing organizations and clubs established for at least one year at the University must participate in the evaluation annually.

Article 4     The evaluation items include common aspects such as organizational operation and resource management, as well as club activity performance and general conduct. The timing of the evaluation and related matters will be discussed and implemented in a meeting of club leaders convened by the Student Affairs Office, Division of Extracurricular Activities.

Article 5     The evaluation committee shall be composed of teachers and students familiar with student activities and with relevant experience and expertise, invited by the Division of Extracurricular Activities.

Article 6     Student self-governing organizations and clubs may be recommended by the Division of Extracurricular Activities to represent the University in the "National University and College Student Club Evaluation and Observation Event" organized by the Ministry of Education.

Article 7     These Regulations shall be implemented after approval by the Student Affairs Meeting.

Note:  These regulations are formulated in Chinese. In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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