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Regulations for Student Club Office Management

National Taiwan Ocean University

Regulations for Student Club Office Management

Approved by the Student Affairs Meeting on October 9, 1997.

Amended and approved by the Student Affairs Meeting on November 21, 2002.

Amended and approved by the Student Affairs Meeting on December 28, 2006.

Promulgated on February 12, 2007, through Hai-Xue-Ke-Zi No.0960001641.

Amended and approved by the Student Affairs Meeting on December 17, 2020.

Promulgated on June 3, 2021, through Hai-Xue-Ke-Zi No.1100010721.

Amended and approved by the Student Affairs Meeting of the first semester of the 2022 academic year on October 19, 2022.

Promulgated on November 7, 2022, through Hai-Xue-Ke-Zi No.1110024745.

Article 1     These regulations govern the management, application, allocation, moving in, moving out, and use of student club offices.

Article 2    The Division of Extracurricular Activities is responsible for the management, application, allocation, moving in, moving out, and use assessment of student club offices. Unless otherwise specified, these matters shall be conducted in accordance with these regulations.

Article 3     Application and Allocation:

1.    Application Period: Clubs without an office should apply within two weeks after the conclusion of the student group evaluations in the second semester of each academic year.

2.    Allocation Period: The Division of Extracurricular Activities shall complete the allocation of club offices within two weeks after the end of the second semester of each academic year.

3.    Allocation Principles: The Division of Extracurricular Activities will review and allocate based on the results of student group evaluations, urgency of need, and registration priority.

Article 4     Moving In and Out:

1.    Once a club is allocated an office, it must complete the moving-in procedures with the Division of Extracurricular Activities. Offices must not be exchanged or transferred without permission.

2.    The club president is responsible for inventorying the public property allocated for use and maintaining records. The Division of Extracurricular Activities will conduct regular inspections. If any damage or loss occurs not due to proper use, the club is responsible for compensation as per regulations.

3.    Clubs that are merged, dissolved, or have their office revoked must move out within two weeks of receiving notice. If an extension is necessary due to special reasons, approval must be sought.

4.    Clubs moving out must return all borrowed public property and keys and are responsible for cleaning and tidying the office.

Article 5     Management and Assessment:

1.    The Division of Extracurricular Activities is responsible for inspecting student club offices. The inspection results are an important part of the evaluation of student groups.

2.    Student club office hours:

(a)   During the semester: Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 11 PM.

(b)   Saturdays and Sundays, from 9 AM to 6 PM.

(c)   Closed on national holidays.

(d)   Closed during winter and summer vacations, except for special activities that require separate applications.

3.    Clubs must adhere to the following norms:

(a)   Maintain cleanliness and order inside the club office and take care of public property, developing good habits of conserving energy.

(b)   Drinking alcohol, bringing or keeping personal pets, or any other behavior that affects environmental safety is prohibited in club offices. Public safety, hygiene, and peace must be maintained.

(c)   Without permission, club offices cannot have locks changed or added privately.

(d)   Permissible electrical appliances in club offices include: fans, audio-visual equipment, desk lamps, and computer equipment. Special needs should be applied for in advance and can be used only after approval.

(e)   No personnel should remain in the club office during non-operating hours.

4.    Assessment method for club office use:

(a)   If public safety is jeopardized within the club office, apart from penalizing the perpetrator, the club will be ordered to vacate the office.

(b)   Storing prohibited or dangerous items in the club office will result in penalizing the perpetrator and ordering the club to vacate the office.

(c)   Damage to public property in the club office must be compensated for by the perpetrator.

(d)   If public hygiene is hindered in the club office, immediate improvement is required; severe cases will result in the club being ordered to vacate the office.

(e)  Unauthorized use of electrical appliances in the club office should be immediately removed; severe cases will result in the club being ordered to vacate the office.

(f)   Engaging in gambling activities in the club office will result in penalizing the perpetrator and ordering the club to vacate the office.

(g)   Drug use, drinking, causing disturbances, fighting, or overnight stays in the club office will result in penalizing the perpetrator and ordering the club to vacate the office.

(h)   Unauthorized changing or adding of locks on club office doors will result in the club being ordered to restore them to their original state.

(i)    Illegitimate destruction or removal of fire extinguishers, emergency lighting equipment, and safety doors will result in penalizing the perpetrator and ordering the club to vacate the office.

(j)    If the club office remains unused for a continuous month during the semester, the club will be ordered to vacate.

Article 6     These regulations shall be implemented after approval by the Student Affairs Meeting.

Note:  These regulations are formulated in Chinese. In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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