職 稱 Job Title |
姓 名 Name 電子郵件 E-mail |
分機 Extension |
業務職掌 Responsibilities |
職務代理人 Substitute Staff |
組長 Director |
宋文杰教授 Professor Sung sungwill@mail.ntou.edu.tw |
衛保組1070 研究室5129 |
○督導綜理衛生保健全盤業務 ○推展學校健康教育活動 ○策劃全年度衛生保健工作 Supervise and manage the school’s health |
張育禎 Miss Chang
周愛真 Miss Chou |
護理師 Nurse |
張育禎 Miss Chang yuchan_chang@mail.ntou.edu.tw |
1071 |
○護理諮詢、緊急救護及協助轉診 ○教育部學校衛生輔導 ○教育部健康促進學校計畫申請、推動及成果 ○教育部健康促進學校計畫經費管控、結算及報部 ○重大傷病暨特殊疾病學生個案輔導 ○健檢嚴重異常學生個案管理 ○學生健檢結果缺點矯治追蹤輔導 ○健檢異常學生複檢及追蹤 ○傷病諮詢資料綜整及統計分析 ○愛滋防治宣導及活動 ○衛生教育活動及宣導 ○財產維護管理及盤點 ○支援校內大型活動救護站 ○公文登記桌 ○綜合性來文 ○臨時交辦事項 Nursing consultations and emergency care: Provide nursing consultations, emergency medical assistance, and support for referrals. School health programs and Ministry guidance: Implement and manage the Ministry of Education’s health promotion programs, including budget control and reporting. Student health management: Oversee case management for students with severe illnesses or abnormal health check results, and conduct follow-up consultations. Health education and promotion: Organize health education activities, including AIDS prevention, and manage health-related data and resources. Administrative support and event assistance: Maintain property and equipment, log service learning hours, and support first aid stations at major campus events. |
周愛真 Miss Chou |
護理師 Nurse |
周愛真 Miss Chou loveture0117@mail.ntou.edu.tw |
1073 |
○護理諮詢、緊急救護及協助轉診 ○新生健康檢查招標事宜 ○新生暨轉學生健康檢查業務 ○學生健康資料管理、綜整、統計分析及銷毀 ○新生健康生活型態調查、綜整分析及活動規劃 ○傳染病防治及個案(接觸者)衛教輔導管理 ○健康體位增重/減重活動 ○辦理急救教育訓練與捐血活動 ○體育衛生股長幹部訓練及輔導 ○海鷗救護社社團輔導 ○衛生教育活動及宣導 ○醫療器材消毒維護及耗材申購 ○衛教書籍、器材管理及借用 ○支援校內大型活動救護站 ○兼任助理管理 ○臨時交辦事項 Nursing consultations and health checks: Provide nursing consultations, emergency care, manage health check processes for new and transfer students, and handle related data management and analysis. Health education and prevention programs: Organize health education activities, including infectious disease prevention, weight management, and first aid training, as well as blood donation drives. Student health management: Conduct lifestyle surveys for new students, plan activities, and manage health education and counseling for specific cases like infectious diseases. Equipment and resource management: Maintain and disinfect medical equipment, order supplies, and manage health education books and materials. Event support and administrative tasks: Support first aid stations at major campus events, plan service learning activities, supervise assistants, and handle other assigned tasks. |
張育禎 Miss Chang |
行政專員 Officer |
胡瑋倫 Mr. Hu huweilun1072@mail.ntou.edu.tw |
1072 |
01. 教育部餐飲衛生輔導訪視 02.衛生暨膳食委員會議 03.餐飲衛生稽查及人員輔導管理 04.餐飲講習及健康飲食活動 05.食品及餐具抽驗 06.餐飲滿意度調查分析 07.急救設備、組AED增設及維護管理 08.菸害防制、戒菸健康班 09.菸害暨藥物濫用防制聨合會議 10.各項資料提報綜整 11.編列經費預算及管理 12.公佈欄、哺乳室及倉庫維護管理 13.網頁更新、管理及留言回覆 14.臨時交辦事項 Manage food hygiene and safety: Oversee Ministry of Education inspections, hygiene committee meetings, food hygiene checks, and staff guidance. Organize educational and health activities: Conduct food safety workshops, healthy eating events, and smoking cessation programs. Supervise equipment and facilities: Manage emergency equipment, AED installation, maintenance, and upkeep of bulletin boards, nursing rooms, and storage facilities. Data management and reporting: Compile and analyze data for various reports, and manage the budget. Administrative tasks: Update the website, respond to messages, and handle other assigned tasks. |
周愛真 Miss Chou
張育禎 Miss Chang |